Processing Of Household Debris Management

How do you make money on the trash in Russia? Is it possible to establish an effective waste management scheme in our country? We tried to figure out how and what was needed.
Some people think that money is garbage. But there are those who realize that garbage is money. In Europe, the latter had already been recognized, and there was a long-standing and active approach to waste reduction. Everyone is trying to minimize its costs of garbage disposal: large corporations, small private firms, public institutions, municipalities as a whole. It's not even environmental. It's about economy. The practice of some countries shows that 95 per cent of household debris can be processed. It is only one day that we need to recycle the waste from its creator to a new product. Given that, in modern mega-cities, each person per year leaves 200 to 300 kg of TB (solid household waste) after himself, it can be imagined how many useful goods could be produced if reprocessing is done. The education of TBT in the Russian Federation is estimated to be between 30 and 35 million tons per year, and only about 4 per cent of the total is processed.
The President of the Russian Cleaners Association, the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Interregional Industrial Corporation, Ecorecycling, Yuri Ryabichev, noted that the main condition for the West waste management and processing business was the existence of a law to include in the cost of each product the costs of its disposal. Such a bill on waste management in our country is only at the stage of signature, has passed two readings and should be adopted at the beginning of this year.
" We, buying a bottle of colla, pay the cost of its disposal twice: when we purchase the price for its collection and processing, which goes to the West, and we pay the public utility charges for its landfill. The recycling system is not functioning, so the bottle goes to the polygon, remains rotten there and pollute the environment. Therefore, additional money should be allocated to those who collect the waste to process it " , which is shared by Yuri Ryabichev.
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