Processing Of Organic Debris

The issue of the recycling of organic waste is a pressing issue, as the accumulation of industrial, domestic and agricultural pollution, alien biosphere and not fit into the natural biological cycling continues, leads to the contamination of air, water, land and negatively affects human health.
For years of research, we have formulated the ecological and hygienic concept of anthropotygenic influence on natural objects. Sources of pollution are regulated, contaminative factors are systematized as well as differentiated, intermediated, pathways to the natural environment and human organism. The priority pollutants of the environment, along with the manure of animals, were voluminous discharges into the coastal waters of excess andal of urban wastewater biological treatment plants, undermining their self-treatment capacity [1, 2, 3].
In view of the need to reduce water emissions, we are governed by project documentation for the development of experimental organic fertilizer (biogumus) production by the posting of cheek precipitation of urban sewage treatment plants.
Vermulture (from lat. vermin - worm) - the use of rain worms for the processing of organic waste and the improvement of soil fertility - is a promising area of biotechnology.
At present, the prevailing trend is the use of the red California worm, a selective manure worm line, which is characterized by a large fertility rate, a loss of instinct to leave its habitat under adverse environments, a high degree of adaptation to specific waste types.
The use of waste streams allows for a sufficient number of nutrients (commoste) and microclimate parameters to double the number of living biomass monthly. In the process of processing of 1 tonne of composts, 600 kg of dry humus fertilizers (25 to 40 per cent of biogumus) containing all macro- and micronutrients needed for plant development and 100 kg of biomass, which comprises some 60 per cent of the fully refrigerated protein (which is only 80 to 90 per cent of the plant feed unit of the rechargeable protein).
The new recycling technology has been named vertical posting, and the compost is a vertical post. To describe this... ♪
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