Technology Design Standards For Recycling Construction Debris

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Human life is associated with a large number of waste generation. The dramatic increase in consumption in recent decades around the world has led to a significant increase in the production of solid domestic waste (CBD). Currently, the mass flow of TBTs entering the biosphere annually has reached almost a geological scale of about 400 million tons per year. In Moscow, it is estimated that between 2 and 3, 5 million tons of solid domestic waste (BW) are produced annually. While only 10 per cent of waste is processed.

The experience of EU countries in monitoring consumption waste generation shows that there is a direct relationship between gross domestic product (GDP) growth and waste growth. Therefore, with continued economic growth, the annual formation of TBTs in Moscow is steadily increasing. There are now 167 TBO sites around Moscow. Of these, only 58 authorized polygones and 109 are natural landfills. 27 polygons have exhausted their capacity and 19 are filled by 90 per cent. Further possibilities for expanding polygones are close to being exhausted.

For example, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources, all domestic waste dumping sites serving the southern part of the capital have exhausted their resources in 2-3 years. At the same time, the opening of new debris cemeteries will be possible only outside the 100-kilometre zone from Moscow. With the ever-increasing flow of waste, the main challenge in the management of TBTs in Moscow is to reduce the amount of waste destined for polygonization through recycling. In a number of industrialized countries in Europe, faced with the increasing problem of the shortage of municipal waste sites in major cities much earlier than Russia, the practical only way to address it radically now is the thermal disposal of solid domestic waste with thermal and/or electrical energy.

The so-called recycling (recycling) of waste by selective collection or disposal of waste in special garbage disposal plants (IDPs) reduces the volume of stored waste. ♪ ♪

The values are given for dry gases given to standard conditions (temperature 273K, pressure 101, 3 kPa, concentration O2-11%).

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