Tb Waste

Many regions are not yet ready to implement new rules on solid waste management.
The Federal Act regulates the treatment of waste of production and consumption with extensive amendments.
Waste management is collection, stockpiling, transportation, treatment, disposal, disposal and disposal of waste.
Each RF region had to develop a waste management programme, including TCO (solid public waste). There is a need to encourage the construction of waste treatment, disposal and disposal facilities, the identification of waste sites, etc. A territorial pattern of waste sources, their quantity, location of treatment, disposal, disposal and disposal facilities and a pattern of waste streams should be approved in all entities.
By mid-October, however, only 45 regions had approved the scheme. It is now possible to identify regional operators on a competitive basis and approve tariffs for its operator for a TCB service. Regional operators are obliged to pay for adverse environmental impacts when placing TCOs in the regional budget.
The new law does not contain provisions for the elimination of unauthorized waste facilities and for the prevention of new such landfills, although the volume of waste in Russia has acquired critical dimensions. However, unauthorized TCO facilities must be reflected in territorial schemes. The responsibility of the region ' s operators in eliminating such natural landfills must be addressed. There is no funding for these regional budgets, and there is a need to determine which liquidations should be made. Nature's protectors are alarming.
With effect from 1 January 2017, a list of these types of waste will enter into force. This could increase the number of unauthorized landfills
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