Waste Management Business From Where To Begin
" The west has long understood that ecology, not only a morally important component of human life, not only benefits the environment and health, but may also be a high-profile case, is said by the Director of Environmental Programs of the Roman Pukalov Green Patrol. - The point is that out of 3.8 billion tons of solid waste, 10 to 15 per cent are processed at best. Everything else rots and bleeds at 11 thousand dumps. It's a little better in industry. Some one third of the waste is processed, and solid household waste is only 3-4 per cent. "
According to the ecologist, achieving 30 to 35 per cent of the processing of household debris is achievable and even acquitted, only municipal support is needed. Typically, landfills are located behind towns, often behind promsons, so abandoned plants can be used to process debris. The same practice of processing household debris is applied in the West. So in the European Union garbage processing plants is a mandatory waste filtering element.
The expert on the reuse of resources from Italy, Carlo Colombo, states that the recycling of garbage is such a profitable and stable business that even policy and mafiosis are struggling for processing. "This is the gold bottom, he thinks. Plastics, paper, glass, metal, almost everything but organics can be sold to industry. All we need to do is sort what the housewives threw away. " If in a civilized Europe, the processing of debris is filled with niche, in Russia, this business is only on its feet.
Business plan - framework for successful launch
In any business, it's important to start properly. This is understood by business angels, investors, municipal authorities, and start-up entrepreneurs are often relying on personal skirmish and Russian vocabulary. As a result, Russia has a high percentage of failed start-ups. Dumping isn't an exception, I'm sure a businessman from the Underwater Arthur Pogesian. - I started with a comrade. He burnt, I paid the investment in eight months.” Consulting agencies, he said, relied on the experience of foreign companies and economists who were optimizing business processes.
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