Waste Management Is

- Waste management: Waste management activities during their technology cycle and/or reuse or recycling of written-off products. [GOST, para. 5.38] Source ... Compendium of Regulatory Documentation Terms
- Involvement of waste in new technology cycles, use for useful purposes. In English: Waste recovery See also: Waste disposal of the Financial Dictionary of Finham ...
♪ Processing of waste generated by production and consumption in a way that allows reuse and thereby reduces the total mass of waste and environmental violations. Syn.: Recycling ...
- (from lat. utilis useful), involving wastes in new technology cycles or using them for other useful purposes. Environmental encyclopedic dictionary. Chisinau: Main editorial of the Moldovan Soviet Encyclopedia. E.I. Dedu. 1989 ... Ecological Dictionary
♪ Waste management activities during their technology cycle and/or reuse or recycling of written-off products. Recycling is being processed by retirees... Repertoire of the Technical Translator
- (paint) - activities related to Waste management paint material during its life cycle. Note. The recycling process recycles lacromatic materials that have lost consumers... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of construction materials
- [A.S. Goldberg] Anglo Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy in general EN recovery ... Repertoire
- International secondary reprocessing symbol. Processing (other terms: secondary processing, recycling (waste) (from English recycling, recycling and waste disposal) reuse or recycling of waste... ...Vicipedia
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