Brigade's Looking For Garbage Disposal
In the capital of Bavaria, a high-technology and cost-effective waste collection and processing cycle has been established.
Clearance and order on the streets and households in Germany have long become a standard of utility efficiency. Germany strives to be equal to the municipalities of many countries of the world, which also seeks to ensure a high standard of living for citizens. We have been able to analyse the waste treatment and treatment system in Munich, one of the largest cities in Germany with a population of about 1, 52 million, where Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb München has been successfully operated.
Musor monopoly
The enterprise ' s activities would hardly be so successful without the internal discipline of the population, homeowners, private sector residents and business owners. Our familiarity with the TCO referral system in Munich began with a small lecture by the head of the Ditmar Lange Company at the marshalling site.
Waste collection, transport, handling, disposal of organic fractions, thermal destruction of the unutilized part in Munich is the only municipal enterprise. This is because the European Union is leading the market economy and almost all urban utilities are filled by private companies.
Thus, there is a complete monopoly of the city. There are no other operators. Accordingly, all assets of the enterprise belong to the city. As Lange explained, in the 1960s and 1970s, Germany applied the practice of private premonitions.
Reasonance in the industry, but this has only led to tariff increases, the failure to build a coherent structure and the complexity of administrative management. It is perfectly logical that a decision has been taken some time to centralize the industry, which adversely affects the lives of large cities.
There are a number of factors justifying the benefits of municipal municipal municipal urban clean-up services prior to industry management:
- Local utilities offer maximum reliability, ensuring operational communication with the population, guaranteeing safe accommodation, a high level of knowledge and experience, sustainable development because of their own motivation and interest;
Environmental and resource protection is also organized at the regional level;
- Enterprises provide for the prevention of waste generation, as others are more interested in not overloading;

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