How They Collect Junk On Different Continents
The fee for junk collection is often included in general municipal tax along with road repairs, cleaning, etc.. Find out how household waste is handled on different continents.
There is a schedule for junk collection. Municipalities provide large containers for all types of junk. Ordinary junk, which is not recyclable, is taken out once every two weeks. If local junkers, find plastic in food waste or glass in cardboard, they may not take the container and write a complaint to your address. The fine will be considerable.
Junk is taken out three times a week — Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. People put plastic in a green bag, organic matter - in a black bag. The fee for junk is included in the municipal tax. It is about $ 10 for three months, but it can be higher. It all depends on residence place.
Photo by Simão Moreira on Pexels
In Israel, they are trying to separate and recycle garbage. There are separate containers for paper and cardboard, and everything thrown into them is completely recycled. There are separate nets for plastic, and citizens are strongly encouraged to throw empty coke bottles and other plastic into them. There are also containers for glass.
There are four containers in front of each house. Brown — for food waste, as well as grass and foliage. With a blue lid — for paper and cardboard, yellow — for packaging material: tin cans, tetra-pack, plastic. Everything else is another container. They have the same number of trash cans at home. The glass is also sorted by colour: white, green and brown.
New Zealand
Junk is sorted in New Zealand. They have two containers at home. One is for recyclable waste (plastic, paper, glass, tin), the other is for non-recyclable waste. You can throw there everything that is not recycled. The container with plastic and glass is taken out free of charge once every two weeks.
Photo by Joseph Mama on Unsplash
There are two or three tanks of different colours near private homes: ordinary junk, recyclables and organic waste. Recyclables usually include plastic, glass, and some types of paper.
The owners of the houses on a certain day roll out the right tank to the curb, then the junk removal company takes it for a fee. You can often find a separate tank for plastic and everything in a row.
Photo by Jan van der Wolf on Pexels
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