Use Of Garbage Processing
In neighbouring Finland, the amount of recycled garbage has been tripled in 10 years. Almost 35 per cent of the waste is now recycled.
Bumaga spoke to the experts of the International Waste Management Project and found what Petersburg lacked to at least approach systematic waste management.
St Petersburg Musor Polygon. Photo: Andrei Shurschev
Petersburg ' s flourishing industry is still in its infancy. There are two specialized factories in the city, a polygon in the north of the city and a number of private processors. In the plants, the debris collected from all parts of the city is sorted: part of it is undergoing further processing, part of it is left in polygons. Only 23 per cent of all waste is treated or disposed of.
Ten years ago, only about 10 per cent of all garbage was processed in Finland, and now 30 to 35 per cent of the total was processed.
The city lacks tangible capacity garbage processing: Consumption increases every year, which means the amount of waste. The City Government adopted the concept of development until 2020. According to the paper, Petersburg will create a new trash polygon, two refineries will be upgraded, two more will be built. Theoretically, this city will deal with all the waste generated. However, there is no separate collection system, mandatory in Europe.
♪ It took a long time to argue what system we're going through. In Germany, for example, half of the land works on a selective selection system in houses and enterprises, while half of the land brings debris to large plants that are in deep sorting. Now, the system that is covered by the concept of waste management is the second, i.e. the presence around Petersburg of deep-sized processors, explains the Chief of the Office for Legal and Environmental Safety and Public Relations. Dmitri AstahovGPC ' s " Mechanized Processing of Domestic Waste " .

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