Waste Production

After the end of the vase in 2003, the Volgograde Roman Sebequin was burned by the idea of building houses from a recycled plastic. He traveled half the country to find appropriate technologies, purchased used equipment and registered
USO-Peering. In the crisis, his blocks, which are twice as cheap as usual, have become popular with private house builders. The company ' s monthly turnover is now 350,000 roubles.
(Signed) Roman SEBEKIN
Founder of the USO-Percew
How it started.
When I was a kid, I saw two ways: either working for the state or myself. First, I chose the first path. After school, he went to the Volgograd branch of the Academy of Public Service and wanted to work in the Directorate of Tax Offences. I thought it was a very interesting and promising direction. But after a few internships at the tax police, it was disappointing. I didn't like it. In the end, I left my dream and decided to get a second higher education, and I went to law school. But by the end of school, I realized I wouldn't be a lawyer. I got the idea of building a house, including a recycled plastic.
I've read a lot about these technologies, I've seen foreign companies specializing in recycling of garbage and subsequent construction. It was 2003. There was no ready technology at the time, and I had very little money. But Volgograd is an industrial city. You can build a tank here, but you need to know how to collect it. I started thinking about technology and equipment, and I started driving around Russia looking for materials and work, studying production. Frequently, there was a need for sampling and error. Start capital was very small. Something I earned myself, something my mom helped. About $1,000, I spent on used equipment, which then completely changed. As a result, he put some 100,000 roubles in the case. There was a lot of effort and time to start the company, but it did. In 2004, I registered the firm.
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