Dumping In Doors
One of the things that will be shipped in Russia after a short life abroad is a relationship to garbage. It is not enough that, in the homeland, it has to be removed wherever it wants, that there is no culture of its processing. This not only pollutes nature, but also causes enormous damage to the economy. It is gratifying to see initiatives for separating debris, introducing environmental packages, etc. in the past couple of years. But we're still just at the beginning of the road. We still have stinky garbage plumbing in our access, and landfills are brutal. Switzerland is a clinical model from this perspective: the country is moving seven-mile steps towards the full treatment of all waste. Of course, it's costly and it's putting a lot of responsibilities on every man. How this works in terms of a simple custom who wants to keep his home and his country clean is today's important post.
First the prelude. Since 2000, Switzerland has completely banned landfills in its territory. Given the lack of a suitable land, it was the only solution that was possible, and therefore there were only two choices: either to process or burn. The collection and processing organization has been handed over to private companies, which have helped Switzerland to become a landfill leader in Europe in a short period. In 2009, just over 30 per cent of debris was processed and more than 50 per cent today. This figure can be 80 per cent for individual groups.
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