Waste Reprocessing Plant In Catherineburg

мусороперерабатывающий завод за 5 млрдA Japanese company has proposed the construction of a refinery to the Ekaterinburgh Administration. According to the project, a modern enterprise will burn unliquidated residues of solid household waste and produce thermal and electrical energy.

" For Ekaterinburg, which has so far only a landfill in waste processing, the emergence of specialized capacity capable of reclaiming some 70,000 tons of TBT per year would reduce the burden on the existing North and South Landfills and improve environmental conditions in the vicinity of the Ural capital. "- The mayor's press service.

The city leadership, through the village manager, Alexander Jacob, and a number of other officials, considered the proposal and acknowledged that such a factory in the city capital was necessary. It has been estimated that only one waste incineration complex with two point lines can reduce the amount of waste that is exported to the polygon about twenty times.

However, the Administration is not convinced that the municipality will be able to bear the costs of maintaining and maintaining the factory on its own. The project, according to Japanese calculations, will cost 5 billion roubles, a foreign company is willing to invest its own 3 billion yen, which is about one fifth of the cost. However, the city has decided to request financial support in the area: only in this case, the enterprise will in fact start building one of the Ekaterinburgh promsons.

We note that such a project is already being implemented in the Lower Tagil: the German Freudenberg Group will enter into garbage processing plant 18 million euros. It is expected that this green enterprise will produce diesel fuel from solid household waste. The plant will be able to process about 30,000 tons of household debris per year, each of the two factories will produce up to 500 litres of diesel per hour. The enterprise will bring about 8 million litres per year. Fuel is intended to be used for the refuelling of vehicles, agricultural machinery and generators.

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