Environmental Movement

Молодежное экологическое

In the Volgograd region, there is an increasing number of participants in the youth environmental movement, with more than 7,000 activists. They participate in Saturdays, competitions, large-scale environmental events, among which are " Russia ' s water " .

As explained in the Volgograd Youth Policy Committee, 23 municipalities have joined the " Russian Water " in the region from June to October 2016. Schools, students, social workers removed 87 water objects from debris, collected over 10,000 cubic metres of debris, identified nine sources of industrial and domestic waste. Leaders include representatives of the Krasno-Army region of Volgograd, the Elan region and the city of Urupinsk.

In the year 2017, which focuses on the environment in Russia, environmental activities, workshops, competitions and educational projects will be carried out in the region aimed at environmental education for schoolchildren. The Year of Ecology will be completed by a large-scale festival, which is being prepared by the Interregional Public Alliance, with the support of the Volgograd Region Administration.

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