Waste Disposal Stations
According to the Spokesperson for Valeria Kokorina Alain Romanova, a member of the provincial assembly, discussed the emergence of new sites in the region on 15 November at a meeting of the Economic Policy and Investment Committee in the Zax Assembly garbage processing♪ As the Under-Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment of the region, Alexander Matneenko, the area covered 7 inter-municipal centres and 24 waste disposal and recycling stations. In Omsk, however, the sorting sites will be located in Kirovsk and Lenin districts, and large centres will be located in the Omsk and Tavri districts near the city.
Under federal law, this is the scheme for handling debris from 1 January 2017. However, in Omsk these rules are not respected. " There is a catastrophic state of garbage in the city, and there is only one polygon in Nadedin. He may close the court soon if the masters do not stand. Thus, half of the debris is not taken to the polygons, but falls around the city to the berenas " , a member of Valery Cocorin, at the initiative of which the question is being discussed in Parliament, was addressed. Bogdan Masan, Deputy Minister of Construction and JCC of Om province, explained that there were investors who were willing to provide plots outside the city to new landfill sites.
Deputies agreed on the need to collect debris separately. They questioned, however, that Omsk and the regions would sort domestic waste on their own. " People are willing and willing to segregate debris, there is such a need for young people, for example. We offered the City of Mayor 15 separate seats to organize " , answering the question of the Parliamentarians, Alexander Matenenko.
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