Newsbirth Recycling

Ecology-Novosibirsk has indefinitely delayed the construction of two waste refining compounds in the villages of Verh Tula and the Dollar Novosibir province due to the cost of the project, and has been informed to journalists by Minister JCH and Eugeni Kim, on 10 November, correspondent of the Interfax message.
The Minister explained that due to currency fluctuations, the project had doubled, so investors had decided to suspend it.
At the end of 2014, Ivan Morozov, CEO of Ecology-Novosibirsk, at the Governor ' s Investment Council, reported that the total investment in the two factories was estimated at 3, 5 billion roubles.
Of the total investment, 1 billion roubles were expected to make their own funds, 870 million roubles were loaned, 1,855 billion roubles were expected to be leasing.
Investors thought that recycling plants should be included as capacity recycling of garbageand sites for storage of wastes not to be sorted and reused.
The Dragoln launch was scheduled to open in the second quarter of 2016, in Verh Tula in the fourth quarter of 2016. The total processing capacity of enterprises was to be 600,000 tons of waste per year.
According to EGRUL, the Ecology-Novosibirsk GS is registered in October 2012, 90 per cent owns the Moscow Ecology GS, 10 per cent owns the News-Syberian Scholarship. The Ecology OO belongs to the Oil Alliance Leasing, Dmitri Koltsu, Igor Fraint and Leonid Harchenko.
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